Roboscope 2016
To meet the expectations of security and defense services, we continued the idea of exchange of information and experiences during the third edition of the International Seminar RoboScope® 2016 which was held on May 24 and 25, 2016 at WDW Rynia in Białobrzegi. The organizers of the event were: PIAP Institute and the "Allied with GROM" Foundation.
The main theme of the seminar RoboScope® 2016 were CBRNE threats and opportunities offered by new technologies for their detection and neutralization. RoboScope® 2016 was carried out in a tested formula that puts emphasis on practical exercises with a use of mobile robots.
We presented new robotic design, as well as accessories that support the CBRNE operations. In addition, the seminar featured presentations of practitioners devoted to the procedures in the CBRNE emergency.
Roboscope 2014
International Seminar RoboScope® 2014 "Robots for Special Operations – Applications, Problems and Perspectives", held on April 7–10, 2014 at PIAP Conference Centre in Warsaw.
New technologies significantly change the doctrine of defence and public safety. The changing nature of threats also leads to a different use of existing resources held by soldiers and officers as well as to creation and development of new tools and systems, and consequently to changes of doctrines, concepts and procedures.
Robotics for special applications is currently one of the fastest growing technology sectors in this respect. The number of robotic systems applications for national defence is increasing. Security and the associated technologies in the field of robotics are in the process of rapid development. As a result, the question of how to determine the directions for development of unmanned ground robotic systems for special applications and how to identify the role of Polish entities in the process becomes a critical issue.
Roboscope 2012
International Seminar Seminar RoboScope® 2014 "Robots for Special Operations - Applications, Problems and Perspectives" held on November 28-29, 2012 at PIAP Conference Centre in Warsaw. The organizers of the event were the Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP, National Defense Academy (AON) and Sprzymierzeni [Allies] Foundation.
The aim of the RoboScope® 2014 Seminar was to initiate a continuous exchange of experience for domestic and foreign users of robots for special tasks (such as the Polish Armed Forces, Police, Fire Service, Border Guard, Special Forces), experts and analysts representing leading research centres and decision-makers.
The content of the RoboScope® 2014 Seminar focused on current state and prospects for development of technical and tactical aspects of mobile robotics and unmanned vehicles; current and anticipated threats and methods to combat them; economic, legal and ethical issues related to the use of robotic devices as well as practical experiences of the users of robots and unmanned vehicles.
During the seminar, in addition to lectures and presentations, there were demonstrations of the latest equipment and presentations of robot’s capabilities made by existing users of robots for special applications. RoboScope® 2012 Seminar was attended by 142 delegates.
A survey conducted among the participants showed that the subject of the seminar was interesting for most participants and the knowledge gained would be useful in their work. All the respondents stated that they saw the need to organize future Seminars.